
Environmental Education and Communication

Participating in Local Environmental Education

In NGK’s Core Policy on the Environment, we have set action guidelines for education and public relations activities, and conduct ongoing environmental education and awareness activities aimed at increasing employee environmental awareness. Our aim is to deepen the understanding of environmental problems among each employee to inculcate an awareness of environmental conservation activities. We also conduct environmental events and provide information to a wide range of stakeholders, including on-site classes at elementary schools, to increase environmental awareness.

Offering Guest Lectures at Elementary Schools and Children’s Centers

NGK sends instructors to participate in lectures and workshops for young people that are hosted each year by EPOC (Environmental Partnership Organizing Club)*. Our instructors offer classes on water resources and usage in which children can experience how soil can purify water. So far, a cumulative total of 2,300 people have participated in these guest lectures and other environmental education programs held outside of the company.
Our guest lecture activities were suspended in FY2022 as well in an effort to prevent the spread of COVID-19, but we moved forward with preparations for new lectures.

EPOC (Environmental Partnership Organizing Club): A voluntary organization consisting mainly of companies in the Chubu region of Japan, which was established in 2000. Its purpose is to spread information regarding the environment with the aim of building a recycling-oriented sustainable society. NGK has been involved in the planning and management of this organization since its establishment. EPOC currently has approximately 254 members.
(As of April 19, 2023)

This is a photograph of a guest lecture held at a local elementary school.

Sharing Information with Other Companies

The EPOC subcommittee led by NGK organizes seminars and field trips several times a year under the theme of corporate environmental management (low carbon, resource recycling, biodiversity, water resources, environment-related laws, etc.) and sends out information to members. In FY2022 we held three seminars.

Supporting the “Kagayake Aichi Sustainability Research Institute” Research Team

Following on from FY2020, NGK took part in the “Kagayake Aichi Sustainability Research Institute” project launched by Aichi Prefecture and aimed at university students, who represent the future of Aichi.
This project is being directed by Aichi Governor Hideaki Omura and is focused on achieving sustainable eco-action by globally minded university students on environmental challenges put forward by companies.
In FY2021, 8 companies in Aichi Prefecture took part in this project. The challenge we put forward was to work with NGK in developing a global environmental education program that gets people thinking about a sustainable future. The five-member team of university students who took part in this challenge was proactive about engaging in discussion and collaboration with NGK employees, even in the face of severe restrictions on face-to-face meetings, plant tours, and other interactions due to the COVID-19 pandemic. And they went on to claim the award for excellence.

This is a photograph showing supporting for the “Kagayake☆ Aichi Sustainability Research Institute” Research Team.

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Employee Environmental Training and Skills Development

Environmental Education inside the Company

We conduct position-based training related to environmental management systems to familiarize employees with the aims and content of our environmental policies. We also provide specialized environmental training courses for personnel who will be directly involved in environmental management, as well as special environmental training for the entire workforce. We conduct training related to ESG when employees join the company, are appointed to a new role, or are promoted into managerial positions. This ensures they are aware of the issues to be addressed by each position, and provides guidance on how to make the most of their work.

Environmental Expert Training

In FY2021, to strengthen compliance, we created training materials which could be accessed on-demand. We created five training materials covering topics such as the Air Pollution Control Act and Water Pollution Prevention Act, and around 5,600 people have attended lectures since they began in October 2022.

Special Environmental Training

Every year, we invite outside experts to introduce our employees to examples of corporate initiatives which address carbon neutrality, resource recycling, and living in harmony with nature.

Promoting the Acquisition of Qualifications

To continue conducting environmental conservation activities in compliance with laws and regulations, we make an effort to develop and increase the skills of legally qualified personnel. We provide support in each department for the acquisition of environment-related legal qualifications targeting managers engaged in pollution prevention required for the management of each site.
We systematically educate Qualified Energy Managers in the Engineering Department, and Special Controlled Industrial Waste Managers and others involved in waste-related activities in the Environmental Management Department and other business groups.

Qualifications Acquired as of March 31, 2023 (NGK)

Pollution Control Managers Qualified Energy Managers Special Controlled Industrial Waste Managers Waste Disposal Facility Technical Managers
Air Water Noise/Vibration
99 118 26 25 22 11

Support for Acquisition of Eco Test Certification

With the aim of ensuring that each employee acquires a strong environmental awareness and a wide range of knowledge with respect to the environment, NGK supports employees in sitting the Eco Test* by lending them reference materials and subsidizing test-related expenses.
To date, a total of 855 people—approx. 20% of all NGK employees—have passed the test.

The Eco Test is an environmental and social certification test administered by the Tokyo Chamber of Commerce and Industry focused on a wide-range of environmental issues.

Eco Test Certification

Environmental Data Collection

NGK Eco Point System

NGK promotes its Eco Point System in an effort to contribute to regional environmental improvement. Employees earn points for environmental behavior conducted at work and in the home, a portion of which is converted into cash and donated to local government-managed funds (environmental funds).
In addition to the company’s three sites in Nagoya, Komaki and Chita, and the Ishikawa Plant, the system was newly introduced to the Tokyo Main Office and Osaka Branch and sales offices in FY2016.

Donation of NGK Eco Points

The NGK Eco Points earned by individual employees through their engagement in environmental activities are aggregated on an annual basis for each site (Nagoya, Chita, Komaki) and plant (Ishikawa), and top scorers are commended every year. For earned points, employees select from two options: exchange for eco goods or donate to local funds. The number of employees choosing donation is growing every year, indicating increasing environmental awareness.

This is a photograph of Mayor Ide of Nomi City, Ishikawa Prefecture with NGK employees.
Mayor Ide of Nomi City, Ishikawa Prefecture with NGK employees

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