- About NGK
- Policies and Guidelines
- NGK Group Human Rights Policy
About NGK
NGK Group Human Rights Policy
The NGK Group hereby establishes this "NGK Group Human Rights Policy" (this "Policy") based on the "United Nations Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights" and will promote initiatives to respect human rights to prevent violation or abuse of human rights of anyone impacted by the NGK Group's business operations.
1.Basic Approach to Human Rights
The NGK Group supports and respects the "International Bill of Human Rights" adopted by the United Nations (consisting of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the International Covenants on Human Rights), the "ILO Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work" , the "OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises" and other international norms.
With NGK INSULATORS, LTD. ("NGK") signed up to the United Nations Global Compact, the NGK Group supports and respects the Ten Principles of the United Nations Global Compact.
2.Applicable Laws and Regulations
The NGK Group will comply with laws and regulations (the "Legislation") of each of the countries and regions where it operates. In case of any conflict between internationally accepted principles of human rights and the Legislation of any country or region, the NGK Group will seek ways to respect the internationally accepted principles of human rights to the utmost extent.
3.Scope of Application
This Policy applies to all directors, officers and employees of the NGK Group (the "Directors and Employees"). The NGK Group expects that its suppliers will also comply with this Policy.
4.Education and Training
The NGK Group will provide the Directors and Employees with appropriate education and training to effectively implement this Policy throughout its group-wide business operations.
5.Main Focus of the Group's Commitment to Human Rights
The NGK Group will:
- Comply with international norms on human rights and respect diversity of people;
- Respect human rights and undertake business activities without the use of forced labor or child labor; Provide young workers with fair working conditions that strictly comply with the Legislation of each country and region.
- Respect the individuality and independence of each employee and not engage in discrimination on the basis of race, citizenship, gender, age, religion, belief, existence of handicaps, sexual diversity or any other aspect; and
- Prevent the occurrence of harassment in the workplace and take prompt and appropriate action in the case where it occurs.
The NGK Group will:
- Strictly comply with the Legislation of each country and region relating to safety and sanitation, provide a safe and enjoyable work environment that is comfortable for everyone to work in for all;
- Strictly comply with the Legislation of each country and region relating to labor, safety and sanitation, we provide fair working conditions such as working hours, holidays, vacations, wages, and welfare programs.
- Respect employees’ right of freedom of association and of collective bargaining in accordance with the Legislation of each of countries and regions where it operates.
- Aim to harmonize work and life, and support a variety of working styles;
- Build up a relationship of trust through sincere debate and discussion with employees;
- Give educational opportunities to employees and provide opportunities to stretch their motivation and abilities; and
- Encourage free and open discussions and aim to create a corporate culture conducive to active communication.
6.Human Rights Due Diligence
The NGK Group will establish a system of human rights due diligence, and will implement processes to identify, prevent and mitigate adverse human rights impacts that the NGK Group's business operations may cause.
If it is revealed or suspected that the NGK Group has caused adverse human rights impacts (whether directly through its business operations, or through its suppliers), the NGK Group will endeavor to deliver appropriate and effective remedy through good-faith dialogue with related parties.
8.Dialogues and Discussions
In the process of implementation of this Policy, the NGK Group will earnestly engage in dialogue and discussions with stakeholders, acquiring and drawing on independent external expertise on human rights.
9.Information Disclosure
NGK will disclose the status and results of implementation of this Policy on its website and integrated reports or through other channels.
10.Responsible Persons
NGK will designate the director in charge of the personnel division as the director responsible for the implementation of this Policy. The Board of Directors will oversee the status of implementation of this Policy by having the director regularly report the implementation status to the Board of Directors.
This Policy has been approved by NGK's Board of Directors and signed by NGK's Representative Director and President.
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