About NGK

Policies and Guidelines

The NGK Group defines specific policies and guidelines of business activities based on 'NGK Group Corporate Business Principles.'

NGK Group Basic Sustainability Policy

Since our founding, the NGK Group has worked to solve social issues through our unique ceramic technologies. Based on the NGK Group Philosophy of "Enriching Human Life by Adding New Value to Society," we aim to continue contributing to the achievement of a sustainable society and to earn the trust of society by meeting its expectations toward us. We incorporated this thinking into the NGK Group Basic Sustainability Policy.

NGK Group Basic Sustainability Policy

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NGK Group Environmental Policy

Basic Approach

The NGK Group recognizes that protecting the environment, on Earth and in space, is a vital issue that all of humanity must face. Therefore, to bring our corporate activities into harmony with the environment, we work within the framework laid out in the NGK Group Environmental Vision, to help reach carbon neutrality, bring about a recycling-oriented society, and contribute to living in harmony with nature. Through initiatives like these, we strive to reduce the environmental impact of business activities and help protect the environment by developing products and technologies conducive to environmental conservation.

Main Focus

  • Strive to develop, design, and manufacture products that contribute to the environment and products with low environmental impact.
  • Work to reduce the environmental impact arising from business activities. Use tools such as design review to conduct a scientific investigation and evaluation of the impacts our business activities have on the environment.
    • Promote energy conservation measures and expand the use of renewable energy for all processes and facilities, and make efforts to reduce CO2 emissions by promoting efficient energy use.
    • Promote resource saving and recycling, and make efforts to reduce the generation of waste materials (including valuable substances).
    • Manage the risks of water resources and strive to make effective use of water in our business activities.
    • Through the appropriate use and control of chemical agents, work to reduce the risks inherent in toxic substances.
    • Give precedence to environmentally friendly materials, parts, products, and facilities in procurement and purchasing, strengthening cooperative alliances with our business partners.
    • Help to protect biodiversity by reducing our impact on the environment and developing/distributing eco-friendly products.
  • Enhance environmental management systems from a global perspective while continuously reducing our environmental impact.
  • Work to prevent environmental pollution and improve environmental conservation by abiding by environmental laws, regulations, and other requirements, and instituting our own voluntary standards.
  • Provide environmental information to the public at the appropriate time and pursue dialogue with all stakeholders. Proactively develop social action programs. Also, engage in education and publicity in order to improve employees’ environmental consciousness.

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Quality Policy

NGK is dedicated to quality and committed to providing valuable products and services that are trusted by our customers and respected by society

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NGK Group Human Rights Policy

The NGK Group hereby establishes this "NGK Group Human Rights Policy" based on the "United Nations Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights" and will promote initiatives to respect human rights to prevent violation or abuse of human rights of anyone impacted by the NGK Group's business operations.

NGK Group Human Rights Policy

UK Modern Slavery Act Statement

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Safety and Health Policy

'Maintaining the safety and health of each employee constitutes a basis for a company's operation and existence'

  • Comply with Occupational Safety and Health Law and Company Regulations.
  • Engage in activities in line with the OSHMS* to continuously raise the safety and health standards.
  • Promote safety and health activities under enough education & training and good communication with employees.
  • Reduce the risks of hazards and toxicity and prevent accidents to provide a comfortable work environment.
  • Prevent employees' health hazards and enhance health promoting activities.

OSHMS:Occupational Safety and Health Management System

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NGK Group Human Capital Management Policy

NGK Group defines “People who embrace challenges and teamwork" as one of Our Values of NGK Group Philosophy, and we are committed to realize Our Mission: Enriching Human Life by Adding New Value to Society. NGK Group is committed to drive the Five Transformations to realize the NGK Group Vision, and we believe that the active engagement of each personnel is crucial for accomplishing the Five Transformations. We define the core of the Group’s human capital management as hiring and developing personnel to enrich team members dedicated to the Five Transformations, and establishing an environment where each personnel can perform at full potential. Building upon this core belief, we establish the “Human Resource Development Policy" and “Workplace Development Policy" as follows.

Human Resource Development Policy

NGK Group develops personnel with the following abilities and mindset required to realize the Five Transformations.

  • Cultivate advanced knowledge, skills, abilities or their combination, and proactively approach to problems
  • Demonstrate teamwork and persistently lead to results
  • Autonomously grow and continuously change oneself and the company

Workplace Development Policy

NGK Group develops the following workplace environment where each personnel can perform at full potential.

  • Diverse and Inclusive Workplace
    A workplace where everyone is acknowledged and respected, regardless of external attributes such as race, nationality, gender, and age, as well as internal attributes such as religion, beliefs, experiences, and values.
  • Enriched and Lively Workplace
    A workplace where diverse personnel can feel rewarded, stay healthy both physically and mentally, have colleagues we respect and enjoy working with, and maintain a good work-life balance.
  • Open Workplace that encourages challenges
    A workplace with open communication and psychological safety, that embraces courageous challenges for growth.

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Basic NGK Group Information Security Policy

As our information-communication society grows ever more sophisticated, the NGK Group has come to handle much more in the way of information assets, and is aggressively pursuing the safekeeping of any and all information assets it retains. While it is essential to share these assets in order to conduct business in a smooth and efficient manner, establishing a system for information security likewise becomes a necessity. For this reason, the NGK group has set forth this basic policy regarding information security and will work to safeguard the information assets in its possession.

  • In order to ensure the safety of retained information assets, which includes information retained in the course of business activities, as well as any devices, facilities, or services necessary to handle said information, we will establish an information security management system to prevent unauthorized intrusion, loss, theft, leaks, modification, damage, denial-of-service attacks, and any other threat.
  • All individuals who work at any office of NGK or its group companies and who make use of information assets will be subject to ongoing information security education and training for an increased awareness of security issues. Actions in violation of this Policy may be subject to legal penalties, as well as reprimands set forth in labor regulations, contracts, and/or other binding documents.
  • Should a security issue arise concerning information assets, we will promptly investigate the cause and work to keep any damage to a minimum.
  • We will comply with all laws and social norms with regard to information security, as well as any such contractual requirements and duties entered into with a customer.
  • NGK will strive to continuously review and revise the activities noted herein.

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NGK Group Procurement Policy

With “relationship with society”, “open and fair,” and “partnership” at the core of its procurement activities, the NGK Group aims for mutual prosperity based on mutual trust with suppliers through open, fair, and equitable procurement practices that not only comply with laws but also take into consideration global environmental conservation, respect for human rights, and the working environment.

NGK Group Procurement Policy

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NGK Group Anti-corruption Policy

The NGK Group has declared in the NGK Group Corporate Business Principles that it will strive to realize a sustainable society, respect human rights, and conduct fair and transparent business activities with integrity, and that pursuant to the NGK Group Code of Conduct it will strive for the comprehensive prevention of corruption.
We have established this "NGK Group Anti-corruption Policy in order to comply with applicable laws and regulations, prohibit any direct or indirect involvement in corrupt practices, and strive to promote anti-corruption in all of our business activities, live up to our stakeholders’ trust and realize a sustainable society.

NGK Group Anti-corruption Policy

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NGK Group Tax Policy

The NGK Group regards compliance as an essential factor in gaining the trust of all of our stakeholders and defines it as the foundation of sustainability. In order to maintain and improve our tax compliance, we will work to maintain tax transparency and enhance awareness among our employees while also building the necessary framework to ensure compliance with laws and regulations and prevent corruption.

NGK Group Tax Policy

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Approaches to Risk Management

NGK Group recognizes uncertainties that can affect the realization of its Group Vision as risks. The Group aims to control these risks by appropriately identifying them and taking preventive measures to minimize potential losses caused by risks that materialize. The Group has established the following approaches to address risks based on their types.

Approaches to Risk Management

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NGK Group Social Contribution Activities Policy

The NGK Group establishes herein the NGK Group Social Contribution Activities Policy and will actively engage in various activities to realize a sustainable society.

NGK Group Social Contribution Activities Policy

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Accurate Records

In order to disclose information in a timely and appropriate manner, we will comply with applicable laws, regulations, and internal rules, establish an internal control system, and operate it appropriately. We will create and report accurate records of financial information and other information.

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Conflicting Interests

All business decisions made by the NGK Group are made fairly and appropriately in anticipation of the best interests of the Group. All persons engaged in the NGK Group's business will, with a high sense of ethics, pay close attention to their interactions with current and future customers, suppliers, subcontractors, competitors, and other third parties, and respond in good faith, avoiding the construction of situations or relationships that may lead to conflicts of interest as a result of non-business relationships with other companies or individuals.

Based on this philosophy, NGK Group will continue to manage situations that may cause conflicting interests;
for example, an employee has a close personal interest in the business of third parties relevant to NGK Group, employs or manages relatives or close friends for lucrative positions, or uses company resources for private endeavors. We have been establishing management system to take necessary measures in a timely manner.

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Counterfeits Parts

In addition to respecting the intellectual property (IP) rights of others as recited in the NGK Group Code of Conduct, we encourage the creation activities of IP rights and work to ensure proper protection and use of IP rights, create new value through the provision of products and services that contribute to society, and strive to realize a sustainable society.
Counterfeits parts may threaten the value of the products and services created by our creative activities. Therefore, based on market investigation, etc., we will take necessary and appropriate measures to eliminate them.

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