About NGK

Directors and Corporate Officers

Board of Directors

  • Taku Oshima


  • Shigeru Kobayashi


    Overall Corporate Management, Executive Committee Chair, Strategy Committee Chair, ESG Management Committee Chair, Risk Management Committee Chair

  • Chiaki Niwa

    Executive Vice President

    Top Executive R&D,
    Responsible for Corporate R&D, Manufacturing Engineering, Corporate Safety, Quality & Environment Dept., IP Strategy Dept, Digital Transformation & Innovation Dept., and ICT Dept., Development and Commercialization Committee Chair, Quality Committee Chair, Environment, Industrial Safety & Health Committee Chair

  • Ryohei Iwasaki

    Executive Vice President

    Responsible for Business Groups, Group Executive, Corporate NV Creation, Development and Commercialization Vice Committee Chair

  • Hideaki Shindo

    Director and Senior Vice President

    Responsible for ESG Management Dept., Corporate Planning Office, Secretarial Office, Finance & Accounting Dept., and Purchasing Dept., Senior Officer in charge of Group Companies, ESG Management Vice Committee Chair, Risk Management Vice Committee Chair

  • Mayumi Inagaki

    Director and Senior Vice President

    Responsible for Auditing Dept.,Human Resources Dept., GroupCompliance Dept., Legal Dept.,and General Affairs Dept., Chief Compliance Officer, Compliance Committee Chair, Internal Controls Committee Chair, HR Committee Chair

  • Emiko Hamada

    Outside Director

  • Hiroshi Sakuma

    Outside Director

  • Noriko Kawakami

    Outside Director

  • Kengo Miyamoto

    Outside Director

Executive Officers

Hiroto Matsuda Senior Vice President Group Executive, Digital Society Business Group
Jun Mori Senior Vice President Group Executive, Environment Business Group, General Manager, Nagoya Site
Masanobu Inoue Senior Vice President Technical Director, Energy & Industry Business Group
Hiroharu Kato Senior Vice President General Manager, Global Sales & Marketing Div., Environment Business Group
Atsushi Miyajima Senior Vice President Group Executive, Corporate Manufacturing Engineering, Facilities Committee Chair
Hiroyuki Shinohara Senior Vice President Group Executive, Energy & Industry Business Group
Takao Onishi Senior Vice President Group Executive, Corporate R&D
Iwao Ohwada Vice President In Charge of DS Business Development, General Manager, Battery Application, DS Business Development, Corporate NV Creation
Tatsumi Ichioka Vice President In Charge of Corporate Safety, Quality & Environment Dept., Digital Transformation & Innovation Dept., and ICT Dept.
Ryo Ishihara Vice President In Charge of ESG Management Dept., and Secretarial Office,
General Manager, ESG Management Dept., General Manager, Tokyo Main Office
Hirofumi Sakamoto Vice President General Manager, Engineering Div., Environment Business Group
Hideki Shimizu Vice President Group Vice Executive, General Manager, Power Electronics Ceramics Dept., Digital Society Business Group, President, NGK ELECTORONICS DEVICES, INC.
Kazushi Tada Vice President General Manager, Insulator Div., Energy & Industry Business Group, General Manager, Komaki Site
Ryugo Takeda Vice President General Manager, Energy Storage Div., Energy & Industry Business Group
David Miller Vice President President, FM INDUSTRIES, INC.
Takashi Yoshino Vice President General Manager, DS Development Div., Corporate R&D
Motoo Noritake Vice President General Manager, Industrial Process Div., Acting General Manager, Global Sales & Marketing Div., Environment Business Group, General Manager, Osaka Branch
Yoshihide Natsume Vice President General Manager, New Metals Div., Digital Society Business Group, General Manager, Chita Site
Masato Nozaki Vice President In Charge of Human Resources Dept., and General Affairs Dept., General Manager, Human Resources Dept.
Yasuyoshi Imai Vice President General Manager, HPC Div., Digital Society Business Group
Hiroki Fujita Vice President In Charge of Corporate Planning Office, General Manager, Corporate Planning Office
Takeshi Ohtsu Vice President In Charge of CN Business Development, Corporate NV Creation
Shinya Yoshida Vice President Managing Director, Manufacturing Dept. , HPC Div., Digital Society Business Group
Hideaki Tsukui Vice President In Charge of Finance & Accounting Dept., General Manager, Finance & Accounting Dept.
Lee Sang Jae Vice President General Manager, Sensor Div., Environment Business Group

Audit & Supervisory Board

Nobumitsu Saji Audit & Supervisory Board Member
Naoya Yagi Audit & Supervisory Board Member
Masayoshi Sakaguchi Audit & Supervisory Board Member, Outside
Takashi Kimura Audit & Supervisory Board Member, Outside