
NGK Selected as one of the Leading Company among Companies Supporting Aichi Women's Career Success

October 25, 2017

NGK INSULATORS, LTD. ("NGK") hereby announces that today the Aichi Prefectural Government selected NGK as a leading company among other companies certified as Aichi Josei Kagayaki Companies (Companies Supporting Aichi Women's Career Success), which take constructive steps to promote women’s participation in the workplace.

The Aichi Josei Kagayaki Company program is a certification program established by Aichi Prefecture in 2015. As of September 30, 2017, there are 313 companies actively working toward promoting the participation of women in the workplace, by increasing recruitment of women and appointing of women to managerial positions, and creating comfortable workplace environments. Moreover, Aichi Prefecture has begun to award "leading company," which are designated exemplary firms among the certified companies. Five companies were selected as "leading companies" in the fiscal year ending March 31, 2018. The awards ceremony will be held on November 27.

NGK has undertaken initiatives related to women's career development, such as expanding the scope of work for female employees and setting up a career consultation desk. The Company is also actively striving to create a comfortable work environment for women for example and to improve their work-life balance, including by enhancing economic support for balancing work and childcare. NGK was also recognized for having no difference in the average years of service between men and women.

NGK manages its work environment so that each employee can demonstrate their individual abilities. Moreover, NGK aims to continue growing sustainably by working to create systems and environment that provide opportunities for women and other diverse human resources to actively participate and keep working at NGK for a long time. Looking ahead, NGK will strive to increase the opportunities for employees with motivation and ability to utilize their capabilities, and will also take steps to create more comfortable working environment for women.

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