Transformer Insulators Recognized by Guinness World Records
September 13, 2019
NGK INSULATORS, LTD. (President Taku Oshima; Headquarters: Nagoya, Japan; “NGK”) today announced that a ceramic insulator it manufactures has been certified as the world’s largest ceramic structure by Guinness World Records.
Ceramic insulators are used in places such as transformer stations. As a leading ceramic insulator manufacturer, NGK led the world in involvement with the manufacture of bushing shells for ultra-high voltage (UHV) use of 1,000 kV. In the 1980s, NGK successfully developed and produced a 12-meter high UHV bushing shell.
One of the 12-meter insulators made at that time was certified by Guinness World Records as being the largest ceramic structure in the world. This insulator was introduced as the “world’s largest ceramics” in the original Japanese edition of Guinness World Records 2020, published by Guinness World Records Limited in September 2019.
Record name:
Largest ceramic structure
Certified on:
September 25, 2018
11.28 meters tall (1.54 meters in diameter) *
NGK Chita Site (Handa, Aichi Prefecture)
- *The 12-meter-tall was covered a metal fitting of 0.72 meters in length, and the 11.28 meter-long ceramic section visible to the eye was used as the length of record.