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Laws and regulations governing chemical substances
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REACH (EU): not regulated
- Germany’s BAuA (Federal Institute for Occupational Safety and Health) evaluated beryllium as part of CoRAP efforts (community rolling action plan) under REACH.
- In September 2014, the BAuA released its conclusion—that beryllium was an SVHC (substances of very high concern) and warranted placement on the Authorization list.
- In 2015, the BAuA asked for perspectives from EU businesses as part of stakeholder consultations. On March 19, 2015, it assembled stakeholders in Germany and explained and solicited opinions regarding SVHC and authorization.
- In January 2017, the BAuA released the conclusion that beryllium did not warrant coverage under SVHC based on risk assessments.
- As a result, beryllium does not require notification or authorization under REACH.
PRTR system under the Act on Confirmation, etc. of Release Amounts of Specific Chemical Substances in the Environment and Promotion of Improvements to the Management Thereof (Japan): Constituents
- Beryllium, a constituent, is a Class I designated chemical substance. Cobalt and nickel are also Class I chemical substances.
- The PRTR system under the Act seeks to identify how much of various harmful chemical substances are released into the environment and their sources, how much of these substances occurs in business waste, and to tabulate and publish this data.
- If a product contains at least 0.1% w/w beryllium or a business handles 0.5 tons annually, notification of the amount discharged or transferred must be provided to the government (Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry or Ministry of the Environment) via the prefecture.
Act on the Evaluation of Chemical Substances and Regulation of Their Manufacture, etc. (Japan): not regulated
- The Act seeks to prevent environmental pollution due to chemical substances likely to harm human health or affect animal and plant life.