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Regulation by the Industrial Safety and Health Act
Ordinance on Prevention of Hazards due to Specified Chemical Substances: Beryllium is a Category 1 substance.
- The beryllium copper alloy available on the market (flat bar or block) contains 2% beryllium at maximum. It is not among the specified chemical substances as defined by the Ordinance on Prevention of Hazards due to Specified Chemical Substances.
- The Ordinance on Prevention of Hazards due to Specified Chemical Substances sets forth rules for business operators concerning facilities, working procedures, health checkups, and working environment measurements to prevent contamination of workers working with chemical substances that can cause health problems if not properly handled (specified chemical substances).
- Beryllium and beryllium compounds as specified chemical substances
- 1) Beryllium and beryllium compounds
- 2) Drug products containing more than 1% beryllium (or alloys containing more than 3% beryllium)
- This ordinance does not apply to the handling or processing of beryllium copper alloys. However, we recommend use of local ventilation and masks for dry tasks such as welding or grinding.