Ancillary, Investment Deferral
Ancillary, Investment Deferral
Ancillary Services
Imbalance between demand and supply could cause frequency fluctuation. NAS batteries can achieve minimization of frequency fluctuation by utilizing their high-speed response.
![Ancillary Services](/en/product/__icsFiles/afieldfile/2021/02/27/nas-solution-ancillary-pic01.png)
Investment Deferral
NAS batteries can defer or eliminate the need for transmission and distribution upgrades. Power can be imported into a transmission constrained area when loads are light, charging NAS batteries that are positioned nearby. During peak load, NAS batteries are discharged to supplement the power from the at-capacity transmission lines.
![Investment Deferral](/en/product/__icsFiles/afieldfile/2021/02/27/nas-solution-ancillary-pic02.png)
Case study
Balancing Supply and Demand Using Long-Duration Energy Storage Systems
Fukuoka, Japan Operation since 2016
50MW/300MWh NAS battery system at the Buzen storage battery substation Kyushu Electric Power Co., Inc. (supplied through Mitsubishi Electric Corporation)
![Balancing Supply and Demand Using Long-Duration Energy Storage Systems](/en/product/__icsFiles/afieldfile/2021/02/27/nas-solution-ancillary-pic03.jpg)
![Balancing Supply and Demand Using Long-Duration Energy Storage Systems](/en/product/__icsFiles/afieldfile/2021/02/27/nas-solution-ancillary-pic04.png)
Solar power generation is expected to exceed power demand especially during the daytime in spring and autumn when power demand is low. This NAS battery system optimizes the balance of supply and demand of power by absorbing excess solar power to avoid limiting solar power output.
Mitigation of Transmission Congestion and Losses
Campania Region, Italy Operation since 2015
Total 34.8MW/250MWh NAS battery systems at three substations Terna S.p.A.
![Mitigation of Transmission Congestion and Losses](/en/product/__icsFiles/afieldfile/2021/02/27/nas-solution-ancillary-pic05.png)
![Mitigation of Transmission Congestion and Losses](/en/product/__icsFiles/afieldfile/2021/02/27/nas-solution-ancillary-pic06.png)
This is the first large-scale battery project directly operated by TSO (Transmission System Operator) in order to manage transmission line congestion caused by variable renewable energy generated in the south. Grid congestion is mitigated by activation of the charging phase. The energy storage function also integrates renewables by balancing supply and demand.
Load Leveling
Abu Dhabi, UAE Operation since 2010
Total 108MW/648MWh NAS battery systems at several substations Abu Dhabi Department of Energy
![Load Leveling](/en/product/__icsFiles/afieldfile/2021/02/27/nas-solution-ancillary-pic07.png)
![Load Leveling](/en/product/__icsFiles/afieldfile/2021/02/27/nas-solution-ancillary-pic08.png)
These NAS battery systems deployed at several distribution substations (4-40MW/site) level the load curve, thereby reducing the use of high-cost and peak-load thermal generation.
- *NAS and the NAS logo are trademarks of NGK INSULATORS, LTD., registered in the U.S. and other countries.
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