
NAS Batteries

The world's first large-capacity battery energy storage system and a major leap forward in the ability to provide a stable supply of renewable energy

A product of NGK's proprietary advanced ceramic technologies, the NAS battery was the world's first commercialized battery system capable of megawatt-level electric power storage. The NAS battery system boasts an array of superior features, including large capacity, high energy density, and long service life, thus enabling a high output of electric power for long periods of time.

Releasedadvanced type of NAS battery “NAS MODEL L24”

NGK released advanced type of conventional containerized NAS battery “NAS MODEL L24” for overseas market.

NAS MODEL L24 allow projects to be implemented with fewer number of NAS battery containers installed over project running time, and additionally lead to a reduction in maintenance, which leads to saving approx. 20% on the investment in battery storage system compared to the conventional design.



Safety features

The safety of batteries is attracting attention. NAS batteries have been designed with safety as a top priority and have been improved and assured by field experience.

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NAS and the NAS logo are trademarks of NGK INSULATORS, LTD., registered in the U.S. and other countries.

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