
Waste Reduction and Effective Use of Resources

The NGK Group conducts business which utilizes natural resources primarily in the procurement of raw materials for ceramics, and generates a considerable amount of waste in the process. Therefore, we believe that properly managing waste and resource use, and improving resource efficiency, will help to reduce the impact on the environment. In addition, we believe that increasing resource efficiency and appropriately responding to the shift to a Recycling-Oriented Society will make NGK more competitive in terms of cost reduction and stable supply.
Based on this line of thought, the NGK Group sees promoting resource recycling as an important issue in the environmental sector, and will advance relevant initiatives.

Targets and Achievements

Reducing Waste

To meet our FY2025 target for reduction of waste, the NGK Group has formulated and is implementing an annual improvement plan, similar to that for CO2 emissions, aimed at reducing the generation of waste materials.
We achieved reduction rate of 55% per unit of sales in FY2023 compared to FY2013, achieving our annual target and even reaching our FY2025 target of 50% reduction. This is the result of continual improvement activities by the manufacturing department, including improving yield and raw material recovery rate in production sites.
Our reduction rate against BAU, which indicates the improvement per unit of sales over FY2013, was 31%. So, we have achieved our annual target, as well as our target of 30% for FY2025. Going forward, we will continue to carry out activities to reduce waste.

1. Ratio of actual waste generated to the amount of waste expected to be generated assuming production intensity has not changed from the base year.

Waste Materials (all NGK Group production sites)

This graph shows the total amount of discarded materials generated per unit of sales. The discarded materials per unit of sales have decreased by 55% since FY2013.

Reduction Rate against BAU (all NGK Group production sites)

This graph shows the reduction rate against BAU. Our reduction rate against BAU, which indicates the improvement per unit manufactured over the base year FY2013, was 31%.

Waste Recycling

The NGK Group is striving to promote waste recycling by thoroughly sorting materials and looking for methods to recover resources from waste.
Since FY2017, we have shared methods to recover resources from waste and information about disposal companies with all of our production sites in Japan. We are promoting efficient resource recovery while selecting reliable disposal companies.
These continuing efforts have allowed us to maintain a continual domestic recycling rate of 99% or higher from FY2013 onward, as stated among the goals of our 5-Year action plan. And we are recycling ceramic fragments (ceramic waste after firing) and slurry (ceramic waste before firing) as raw materials for concrete, and other materials for use in roadbeds.
Because conditions vary by region outside of Japan, we are setting targets which take into account the actual state of affairs in each country. We maintain an average recycling rate of more than 90% for our 18 overseas Group companies that are engaged in manufacturing (excluding the three companies for which recycling is difficult).

Reducing Waste Plastics

This year, the NGK Group began to disclose the amount of waste plastic generated during production. 1,456 metric tons of plastic waste was generated in FY2023. From here on out, we will work to reduce the amount of plastic waste generated by reviewing the processes that use plastic and the sorting out of plastic when it is generated.
In addition, it had previously been difficult for NGK to recycle the plastic drums used to import raw materials after they had been used and worn out. However, through cooperation with a plastic recycling manufacturer, 100% of them are now recycled into the RePlagi series of industrial/construction materials developed and sold by that manufacturer. These are used as replacement square timbers, replacement plates for steel plates, etc.

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Support for a Circular Economy

In Europe, it will be necessary to comply with new battery regulations and eco-design regulations. The NGK Group will investigate trends related to the circular economy, and respond appropriately to the demands of society.
We are developing products that contribute to water utilization and resource recycling. And we are investigating the possibility of using recycled materials and redesigning existing products for zero emissions.
Going forward, we will put together and disclose examples of resource recycling in the NGK Group. At the same time, we will consider policies for a circular society by 2030 and 2050 to include in our NGK Group Environmental Vision.

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