Risk Management
Basic Approach
The NGK Group considers uncertainties which may affect achievement of the Group Vision to be risks. We have established an approach of handling risks according to their type, which enables us to control these risks by appropriately recognizing and preventing them, and to minimize losses caused by risks that do materialize.
Moreover, when risks that have a big impact on management occur, the committee tasked with handling the risk according to the Basic Rules of Crisis Management, will lead the way in collecting information and ascertaining the situation. The NGK Group will then work to minimize the negative impacts, analyze the causes, and prevent recurrence. For extremely serious risks, the vice president in charge of the Corporate Planning Office will convene a response meeting attended by the President to respond to the risk.
Risk Management Structure
In FY2023, the NGK Group established a new Risk Management Committee chaired by the President for comprehensively handling the Group's significant risk issues in accordance with the risk management process described below. At least once a year, the Risk Management Committee reports to the Board of Directors about risk management activities. Through this, the Board of Directors is able to supervise these efforts and verify the effectiveness of the risk management structure. The risk management structure in question, is managed independently of the Audit & Supervisory Board.
Risk Management Structure
Risk Management Process
The Risk Management Committee periodically analyzes and evaluates risks then identifies and reviews the material risks that should be managed based on changes in the internal and external environment, with reference to the concepts in the COSO-ERM Framework. It has also established a risk management structure and method for formulating and implementing countermeasures against risk and monitoring the manifestation of risks via the committees and departments in charge of managing risks. The Risk Management Committee manages the risks facing the NGK Group in an interdisciplinary manner based on the concept of risk management determined by the Board of Directors, and reports its activities to the Board of Directors.
In order to address risks that have suddenly increased in importance due to abrupt changes in the internal and external environment, we make sure we are able to respond by adding them in a timely manner to the list of targets to be handled by the Risk Management Committee. After the Noto Peninsula Earthquake in FY2023, we determined that the importance of natural disaster risk had increased and added it for review by the Risk Management Committee in addition to the material risks that had already been determined through committee deliberation and approval by the Board of Directors.
Material Risk Management Cycle
Risks, Summary, Response
Risks | Summary | Response |
1. Business operation risks | All operations | |
Environment Business | ||
Digital Society Business | ||
Energy & Industry Business | ||
2. R&D-related risks |
3. Personnel Risks | Securing and managing personnel | |
Support diversity and inclusion | ||
4. Legal compliance, human rights and safety, and quality-related risks | Legal compliance-related risks | |
Human rights and safety-related risks | ||
Quality and product safety-related risks | ||
5. Information systems-related risks |
6. Currency exchange, capital, and procurement-related risks |
7. Climate change and disaster-related risks | Climate change-related risks | |
Large-scale disaster and infectious disease-related risks | ||
Legal Risk Management in Overseas Subsidiaries
The NGK Group is working on understanding better legal risk management by overseas subsidiaries to minimize risks which become global and varied due to overseas business expansion.
We ask all overseas subsidiaries to report information pertaining to the status of lawsuits, legal affairs and consultation with lawyers twice a year, and whistleblowing system usage, export controls and access to legal-related information once a year. Major issues mentioned in such reports are reported to and shared at the Compliance Committee. Consultations from overseas subsidiaries are handled by the legal department and by lawyers, if necessary, to avoid risks.
Identifying and Preventing Risks Based on Questionnaire
As part of efforts to enhance risk management practices, in FY2022 NGK and its Group companies in Japan conducted the fourth CRS (Corporate Risk Survey).
Combining the previously administered CSA (Control Self-Assessment) questionnaire and the compliance awareness survey, the CRS checks the understanding of respondents regarding the possibility of risk and its implications with the goal of grasping and preventing various potential risks arising from daily business operations. Based on the results of the survey, the relevant departments and headquarters in charge of handling risks formulate and implement measures to reduce risks.
Business Continuity Plan (BCP) Initiatives
At NGK, we have established the BCP Countermeasures Headquarters under the direction of the President as an organization to carry out operation and maintenance of our business continuity plan, with the aim of respecting human life and cooperating with the local community. It promotes our business continuity plan (BCP) throughout the entire NGK Group. Measures taken in preparation for putting our BCP into operation include the establishment of multiple manufacturing bases and procurement sources, damage mitigation measures related to buildings and equipment, and employee safety assurance. We also conduct emergency drills based on scenario plans presuming a major disaster such as a large earthquake in the Nankai Trough with the aim of enhancing our ability to cope with a crisis in the event a disaster occurs. During these drills, participants are instructed to take real action according to the plan. This helps us to identify even small issues with each process and procedure and use our findings to improve the BCP. In addition, the BCP Secretariat leads the way in working to ensure business continuity by collecting information early on and implementing countermeasures in response to procurement difficulties stemming from the spread of infectious disease or changes in the global situation.
BCP Organizational Structure
FY2023 Initiatives
Education |
Awareness |
Training |
Other |
Future Initiatives
- Improve the effectiveness of BCP by raising the level of training further (e.g., hold BCP training for operational units)
- Ongoing support for home disaster prevention initiatives (dealing with those who are unable to return home after a disaster and providing drills for returning home in an emergency, etc.) from the perspective of respect for human life, which is the top priority of BCP
- Continue to hold training and disaster preparedness events on each factory floor with the aim of improving the BCP/disaster prevention awareness of each and every employee